Tooling for slitting lines
> CamB Software
CamB Software
CamB_5 Shimless Tooling Software
CamB_5 is a WINDOWS™ based computer program developed by Neuenkamp to calculate the slitter head tooling setup in a operator friendly yet precisely way.
The new computer program, developed by Neuenkamp, called CamB_5 is a WINDOWS™ based setup program to allow for an easy and accurate calculation of the slitter tooling sequence.
The program, which operates under WINDOWS™ XP und WINDOWS™ 7, does allow our customers to manage their slitter tooling inventory, minimizes the setup time for setting up the slitter head and therefore increasing the uptime of the slitting line.
At the same time the program ensures consistent and precise slitting results utilizing the most suitable tooling configuration. Depending upon the quantity and widths of strips to be processed the program determines the most economical tooling configuration for any given slitter tooling assembly.
Upon entering all tooling parameters, CamB_5 shows the optimized tooling assembly in various possible printout versions, such as a chart or a graphical printout.
In the event of extremely high precision slit width tolerances, the tools can also be assembled by balancing out the tools according to their tolerance location. This compensates for any cumulative errors caused by the thickness tolerances. Deviations caused by thickness tolerances are eliminated. This guarantees reproducible strip accuracies.
Cost savings and assembly advantages are gained and there is no need for any trial slitting.
The program also offers the possibility of automatic pre-settings based on different slitting parameters. The integrated statistical quality control management program enables the user to retrieve detailed information and documentation from processed strip results.
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